Our Community
Supporting Islamic Faith & Unity and Inspiring Change for Over Six Decades
The Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford was founded in 1955 and has been serving the Islamic community and the community of Hartford for over 65 years.
The capital of Hartford, Connecticut was chosen by the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad and coordinated by the late Al-Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) to be the center point for the start of Islam in Connecticut. The origins of Muhammad Islamic Center began in the homes of Rosalie and Islah Beyah and moved to various locations across the city of Hartford. Muhammad Islamic Center of Hartford through these humble beginnings became the first and oldest indigenous Islamic Center in the State of Connecticut. During this period of self-discovery, the former Nation of Islam played an active part in the upliftment of the African American community. In 1975, Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford transitioned from the nationalist teaching of the Nation of Islam to the universal language of the Holy Qur’an, and the all-embracing teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The transition was facilitated in 1975 by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, the son of the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The transition triggered the largest religious conversion to Islam in modern times. Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford has continued to support Islamic and public education since the establishment of the first Islamic School in Connecticut: the Muhammad University of Islam to the present-day Clara Muhammad Islamic Academy. Principals of that time included James Abdus Samad, Mutahhir Sabree and Sajdah Sharief. Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford has continuously supported interfaith relationships with Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Connecticut and abroad. The leadership of Muhammad Islamic Center, under the past direction of Imam Nuriddin Faiz, the late Imam Qasim Sharief, and current Imam Kashif Abdul-Karim, continues to support community development, and social change. This is done through positive interaction, communication and partnerships with the citizenship of the State of Connecticut. In 2006 a long-time assistant Imam to Imam Qasim Sharief, Imam Abdul Shahid Muhammad Ansari established a satellite masjid in the North End of Hartford; New Africa Learning Center. This satellite masjid was developed to give dawah, while encouraging and supporting the African American community of Hartford through a Muslim presence. In 2020, after 14 years, this satellite venture merged back with MICGH. Muhammad Islamic Center also serves as a platform for welcoming new Muslims from around the world to the city of Hartford. As a platform in the city, Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford helps to integrate Muslim immigrants from across the globe into mainstream America while emphasizing the importance of experiencing the freedom that America offers.
The community is involved with many community based associations.
These boards help us stay connected to what is occurring in the broader community and help us to influence the direction of the Muslims and the general public.
We are associated with the following organizations:
The National Association of Imam WD Mohammed, the National Conveners in association with Imam WD Mohammed, The New England Council of Masajid (Secretary), Muslim Endorsement Council (Emeritus, President and Founder), The National Consortium for Clara Muhammad Schools. (Consultant with curriculum framework). The American Coalition for Good Government. (Regional Coordinator) and ILTDP; the developmental team of thinkers working on codifying the language and curriculum of Imam WD Mohammed, National Radiobroadcast; AmericanMuslim360. (Presenter), and the Interfaith Fellowship with Universal Healthcare.