Overview of The Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford

Resident Imam: Imam Kashif Abdul-Karim
Secretary of Community Affairs: Akbar Esa
Treasurer: Richard El-Amin
International /Masjid Relations: TBD
Executive Assistant: TBD
Majlis Ash-Shura
Entrepreneurship: Jesse Hameen II
Financial Benefactors: Sajdah Sharief
Human Services: Linda Miller
Islamic Education: Kashif Abdul-Karim
CMIA Principal: Umar Jalloh
Monitoring Team: John Abdullah
The New African Learning Center: James Abdus Samad
Property Manager: TBD
Special Events: Carolyn El-Amin
Advisory Council
Larry Muhammad
Abdul Rahmaan Ibn Muhammad
Geneva Abdullah
Pat Chavis
Khadijah Mut’ali
Shakirah Muhammad